
What supplements does a lifestyle medicine doctor take?

The more that I have become interested in lifestyle medicine I have read and learned more and more about supplements.  Ideally I like to get whatever vitamins and nutrients I can through Whole Foods but there are many vitamins and supplements and spices that have shown potential for significant benefits in medical studies that also appear to be very safe.  Here are the supplements that I am currently taking.  You should always check with your physician to make sure there are no potential drug interactions with any supplements or prescription medications that you may already be taking.


Potential benefits: Antiinflammatory properties that can help with arthritis and joint pain. Antioxidant.  May help decrease risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

How:  Capsule containing 1000 mg daily, with black pepper extract as one of the ingredients to aid with absorption.  Add turmeric spice to foods.  Use fresh turmeric in smoothies, salads. 

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Fish Oil, Omega 3 fatty acids

Potential benefits: Heart Health, Brain Health

How:  Currently I am taking this as part of the Complement Essential vegan multivitamin

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CoQ 10

Potential benefits: Heart health, Reduced risk of statin induced muscle aches

How: 200mg - 300 mg daily   

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Potential benefits: Prevent anemia, energy, brain function.  People who eat little or no red meat have a higher likelihood of developing B12 deficiency. 

How:  1000 mcg daily 

Learn more: Vitamin B12: Health Benefits, Safety Information, Dosage, and More (

Vitamin D

Potential benefits: Bone health, immunity

How:   2000 units of Vitamin D3 daily

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Aged Odorless Garlic

Potential benefits: Heart health, cholesterol lowering

How:   Kyloric formula 250, one daily

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Potential benefits: May lower blood pressure and help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.  Contain Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber.

How:  2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily.  Available in most food stores.  Add to cereal, oatmeal, smoothie.  Nutty taste.  

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Jeff Landsman